Small Town- Big Heart


I am proud to say I live in a small town.  St. Croix Falls, WI, population:  (about) 2,100. We have a few gas stations, a donut shop, a bike shop, a library, a few salons and a hospital. And of course, a town wouldn’t be complete without a few bars and churches.  We hold typical festivals, put on a parade, a 5K and a County Fair.  True, we don’t have anything taller than a 3 story building, and you have to drive 30 miles to reach the nearest department store or a chain restaurant- unless you count McDonald’s.

But we’ve got qualities that trump all of those “necessities” people want from a large city… generosity and loyalty.  To me, that’s worth more than a city zoo, a mega-mall or even a 975 million dollar football stadium!

You see, here in St. Croix Falls, people take care of others.  They step up- in big ways.  I’ve witnessed it, and received it.

A few years ago, when a family experienced a fire and lost everything, the community came together and provided them with food, clothing and funds to start over again.  When a young boy went missing, people in this town dropped everything to search for him.  When cancer came and took away, the St. Croix Falls area shared, cared, and came alongside.

Our family personally experienced this heart and soul of the community when our sons were diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.  People came with food, gifts, and donations... for MONTHS. They loved on us, prayed for us and did whatever we asked or needed.  500 people from our community came to our house for a kiddie carnival and helped us raise over $10,000 to find a cure!  The school staff, students, our friends and neighbors, business owners, churches and local government all showed their support in big ways.  It was overwhelming.  And it continues, nearly 2 years later.

This week, our small town is taking care of its own in a big way as tragedy has struck once again.

On Monday of this week I was at the park with some other mom friends.  School had just let out and the beautiful weather beckoned our kids to play on the playground.  So we let them.  We smiled in the sunshine and marveled at the scene of a beautiful baby girl learning to walk in the spring grass.  Just a day later that baby girl along with her 4 brothers and Mama would lose their Daddy in a tragic and unexpected killing which has stunned our community.   We are shocked.  We don’t understand. We are sad and mad and confused.  And yet the heart- the strong, willing heart of our town keeps beating as people step up and do what needs to be done.  A husband and father is gone leaving behind his stay-at-home wife and 5 babies.   And it’s our job to care for them now.

A few days ago an account was set up to help this widow and her family.  As I post this, over $71,094 has been raised.  Incredible? YES!  Uncommon? YES!  But surprising? NO.  Not to me anyway.  Lord willing, my personal prayer is that this friend and newly widowed mother of 5 will be able to pay off her home with this gift from her community and beyond.   I feel strongly about this not only because it’s a very good thing, but because it’s our responsibility.  The Bible tells us in James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” And also Psalm 82:3, “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.”

I hate that terrible things happen.  But I’m thankful that we don’t have to go through them alone.  God shows us His love through His people.  And St. Croix Falls has demonstrated once again that we can be the hands and feet of Christ.

If you would like to contribute to the Peter Kelly Family, go to: via @gofundme