Her Faith in A Miracle

Do you believe in miracles? I’m talking about Jesus walking on the water, calming a storm, healing a blind man kind of miracle. Have you seen one? We are taught in Sunday School that Jesus fed 5,000 people from a boy’s lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish. I believe this happened, with my whole heart. But these things occurred thousands of years ago. Do they still happen today?

I am here to testify, they do.  

“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? ”Jeremiah 32:27

Both of our sons were diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a progressive, genetic disease with no cure, back in 2013. It primarily affects the lungs and digestive systems. Since the age of 2, we were on a journey to discover why Anders chronically coughed and was often ill. He coughed so hard he would vomit. He was sick so often the county called me questioning his absences. It took 4 years of searching, countless doctors, specialists, pokes, prodding, procedures, and finally, the news we didn’t want to hear. From that point on, the boys were given a new normal. We all were. Medical equipment was shipped to the house, and we were trained on how to administer medications, air-way clearance therapy, and a daily regimen to help the boys stay healthy. Twelve-week check-ups, hospitalizations, complications, progression, and research studies filled the years. In that time, we persevered through the ups and downs.

An NG tube helps with obstruction.

Pancreatic insufficiency is the most common GI complication of CF, so it wasn’t surprising when, in 2016 Anders tested with mild to moderate pancreatic insufficiency. It was at that time he began taking enzymes at every meal and snack. Along with his other medications, it amounted to him consuming over 1,000 pills a month. But this is typical for a CF patient, and he is a trooper. Carson has his own struggles with the disease yet thankfully, his pancreas works adequately, and he doesn’t require enzymes.

In the next few years, we would see Anders wrestle with various GI issues. He suffered with chronic blockages, bloating, pain, nausea, vomiting, and an inability to gain weight. For a period, we were bringing him into the clinic for weekly weigh-ins. He was missing so much school, I was practically homeschooling him by the time the covid lock-down occurred in March 2020. Honestly, it felt like a relief to me when I was forced to keep him home and away from people. Just two weeks before, he had been diagnosed with strep and influenza. We were already wearing masks before the government told the rest of America to do so.

During quarantine, Anders’ health took a dramatic turn for the better. But because of covid, he couldn’t see his CF Care Team on a regular basis, so we weren’t sure how his health fared.

Grandma at her 80th Birthday party.

About this time, we received news that Nathan’s grandma Waterworth had taken a turn for the worse. She had lived with cancer for several years, but her health was in decline. She moved down to New Mexico to be in a warmer climate and closer to her daughter Cindy. But every time we spoke to her on the phone, in confidence and faith she told us she was praying for our boys and believed that they were going to be healed.

Being strong Christians ourselves, we were always grateful for prayers. Personally, I hadn’t felt like I could ask God to heal my sons. It’s not that I didn’t think He could. But instead of asking for healing, I prayed for strength to endure. Afterall, no one has ever been cured from CF.

But Nathan’s grandma wasn’t afraid. She continued to tell us at the end of every single conversation that our boys were going to be healed. She not only told us, she shared it with others. All the time.

My very last conversation with this woman of deep faith was in April 2021. Her voice was frail and soft. But she remained firm in her convictions. “I believe the Lord is going to heal the boys of CF.” She spoke with boldness. As if it had been done!

“I agree! Thank you, Grandma. I am so grateful for your prayers and faith. You have always been our prayer warrior and we love you.”  A few days later, Eunice Waterworth met Jesus.

Anders performing a pulmonary function test.

The Miracle Unfolds…

In the last year, as Anders has been in to see his CF Care Team regularly, we have seen his lung function continually trend upwards. In fact, his test results are better than someone who doesn’t have CF!  So much so, that his pulmonologist has told him he could scale back on his vest (airway clearance) treatments to only once a day! (There were times he was vesting up to four times a day.) It’s been so awesome to see Anders go in for his PFT’s (pulmonary function test) and the respiratory therapist will ask, “These numbers are off the charts! Is he on Trikafta?” (This is the latest, highly effective, breakthrough drug for CF patients which is producing miraculous results.) No, our boys don’t qualify for Trikafta or any of the other modulator therapies because their mutations are so rare.

There really isn’t any explanation for why his lung function has improved. He hasn’t been coughing at all! For someone with CF, this is remarkable. His care team has even allowed him to pull back on his asthma medications. Over the course of several months, Anders has weaned off sinus rinses, steroids, and one of his least favorite medications: Mucomyst. A smelly, sticky inhalant in his nebulizer. For a patient who has a progressive disease with no cure, it’s rare to be eliminating medications.

His weight and height have been trending upwards and for the first time in his life, he remains above the 50th percentile! During his latest appointment he underwent another test, to see how his pancreas is faring. And to our astonishment, he tested above normal range. His team reached out to me with the following explanation:

…“when we checked (back in 2016) perhaps he was in a period of inflammation causing the elastase to drop. Now it's resolved and it's normalized. Mom is correct in that the result now shows he is pancreatic sufficient. It is recommended that Anders stop his enzymes, but we will have to watch his weight and GI symptoms closely. He did used to have more abdominal pain complaints a few years ago which have now mostly resolved. We would also recommend retesting annually.”

I understand that his medical team must answer this way. But Nathan and I have an account for why Anders is doing so remarkably well. It is the faithful prayers of his grandma Waterworth. And the miraculous power of our loving God. He DOES do miracles still! He is the same, yesterday and today and forever.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

That night before supper, we bowed our heads in prayer like usual. But Nathan added something extra.

And God, we are grateful for the diligent prayers of Great Grandma Waterworth. And thank you that Anders doesn’t have to take enzymes before he eats his dinner.”

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” 2 Timothy 1:5