A Blessing in Disguise


Winter 2013-'14: After our boys were diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, life felt heavy and hard.  But thankfully it wasn't long before a silver lining began to appear and we were shown a blessing in disguise. With further testing in December of 2013, it was determined that Anders’ CF was progressed enough that he needed to start Vest therapy just like Carson.  Up until that point, Anders was only requiring steroids, inhalants, sinus medications and occasional antibiotics. But immediately after the telling test results, his own airway clearance system was over-nighted and a respiratory therapist came to our house to educate us.

When she arrived, I think it was a unique situation for her because her young patient was actually excited about getting his new medical equipment.  Also out of the ordinary was that we already knew how to operate it.  She had no idea that we had another son who used the Vest too.  “Oh wow.”  She said in sympathetic shock.  “You have TWO sons with Cystic Fibrosis?  That’s got to be so hard.  How are you getting through this?” We'd been asked that question many times. And our immediate (and hopefully evident) response was, "Our strength and hope comes from God".  The therapist listened and even teared up as we shared our story with her. It was hard to feel sad though as Anders' enthusiasm lit up the room.  He was ready to get started!

Even though we were already familiar with the Vest, it was protocol to go over instructions with a new patient so the training continued. Going through it all over again was hard for me.  My heart ached as I saw the 2nd machine enter our home and take its permanent place.


But the look of excitement and pride on Anders’ face was precious. “Now I’ll be just like Carson!” I swallowed hard and held back tears.  Carson wasn't there.  He was down in his room protesting.  For him, this was all just a painful reminder and he didn't want to have anything to do with it.  Earlier he told us, "I'm NOT staying to watch this!" as his bedroom door slammed shut.

Ella sat next to Anders as he was fitted for his new Vest. And then to our surprise, Carson came out of his room and quietly sat on the other side of his brother. I watched a miracle occur in my oldest son's heart that night.  The sorrow for himself was beautifully replaced with empathy for his little brother.  Carson knew exactly how hard this new life change would be.  And as the machine started up and Anders began to shake from the chest compressions, Carson tenderly put his arm around his little brother and even shared his most precious possession with him- his iPod.  It might sound silly, but to me it was the most selfless gesture I’d ever seen Carson do and it brought such joy to my heart.  I watched him grow up that night.  He took his role as big brother very seriously and did exactly what was necessary.  And he gave Anders something that NONE of us could offer:   Understanding, approval, comfort and kinship. In a subtle way, Anders provided Carson with those things too.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two are better than one because they have a better return for their work.  If one falls down, his friend can help him up..."
