How Great Thou Art!


Summer 2014:  The trials we were experiencing over the past year seemed to be equally balanced by totally wonderful and amazing opportunities; one being the gift of a vacation to Montana.  A friend from Nathan’s childhood called one day to encourage us and say that he felt led by God to bless our family with a week stay at a guest ranch in the Rocky Mountains of Montana!  And so, at the end of July, 2014, we packed up our van and made the 22 hour long journey to the Pine Butte Guest Ranch to enjoy family time, amazing scenery, horseback riding, fly fishing and gourmet cuisine.

The ranch was everything we hoped it would be: picturesque with the Montana Rocky Mountain range before us.  It was peaceful, serene, and even therapeutic.  As soon as I stepped out of the van and onto the property of the Pine Butte Guest Ranch, I was overwhelmed with the fragrance and beauty.  I found myself breathing deep, hoping to inhale and savor the aroma of pine, wild flowers and clean fresh air. I was in awe of the breathtaking scenery and felt God’s presence as we were enveloped by the mountains.  I believe that one way God shows His amazing love to us is through His indescribable creation. I was definitely "feeling the love- WOW!" Several times throughout our time at the ranch, the Hymn “How Great Though Art” came to mind as we experienced many mountain-top experiences.

“O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds Thy hands have made…”

That very first night as our family settled into our rustic yet plush cabin, the kids decided to join Nathan and me on our big master bed.  It was a kum-ba-ya kind of moment.  I took advantage of it and decided we should end our first evening at the ranch with prayer- holding hands even.  The kids agreed and we spent the next few moments taking turns thanking God that we could be in this place together. When it was my turn, I felt prompted to pray these things… “Lord, I’m in awe that we get to be here in this beautiful place. Thank you. And I sense that you brought us here for a reason.  Maybe it's simply to enjoy a family vacation and your beautiful creation.  But while we're here, I pray that our family could be a witness for you, and an encouragement to the staff and other guests.  Amen.”  Six days later, we would see an incredible answer to that prayer...