Home is Where the Heart is

It's hard to believe I'm saying these words: We are moving...

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Nathan and I have discussed the possibility of selling our home over the last year+. We had a friend and local realtor, Shari Steele come over to assess and discuss our options. But we never created a timeline or put a plan into place. In fact, Nathan was strongly opposed to the idea, assuming that when we built our house back in 2009, this would be our forever home. We imagined hosting our children's graduation parties here and maybe even a backyard wedding for Ella. 

But the truth is, financially, we need some more wiggle room. Our kids are requiring more services, medically. Selling the house seemed to be an excellent option which would allow us to "breathe".

Yes, it's our dream home. Nathan and I designed and built it ourselves. We poured our heart and soul into it!

We've made about a million wonderful memories here. Who could forget the Carnival for CF? (I mean, who can say that they actually had a pony and a cotton candy machine in their front yard?) Or Carson's Make-A-Wish surprise party? Shooting off fireworks in the cul-de-sac with neighbors on Christmas night, and the countless impromptu gatherings on the front porch. We've watched kids grow up in this neighborhood.

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But with all that’s happened in our lives, we try not to cling too tightly to material possessions. We can live with less. We want to have more freedom to give to others. Because of our medical situation, we want the resources to do more things as a family.


Last week I saw a post on a school Facebook page that said, "My family and I want to move to the St. Croix Falls School district. Unfortunately, there isn't anything on the market that fits our needs. If you know of anyone who is considering listing their home, will you let us know? “

I simply commented, "What's your price range?" and from there we began a private conversation via Facebook messenger.

Nathan had been working out of town when I texted him about a possible house showing. I expected him to be shocked. But instead, he said, "Well, I'm not surprised. I HAVE been praying about this a lot lately." I was like, "What? You HAVE? You never told ME that!”

Fast forward a few days and... BAM! The house is sold! We have complete peace that this is God’s will for our family. 


We're doing this "by owner", which is great because we have done it before, and it will save us time, money, and stress.

Now you're probably wondering, "where are they moving to?"  I did some quick research and was unable to find many options. I also contacted Shari Steel and asked her to keep an eye out for a potential rental or house; meanwhile, Nathan contacted a former customer who owns a lovely vacation home on Cedar Lake near New Richmond, WI. The family uses it in the summer months only. Nathan sent him a text message: 

"Good afternoon, This is Nathan Waterworth. Hope you and your family are doing well. This morning Leanne and I got an offer on our house even though we hadn't listed it. We had both been praying about possible changes and how we want to be open to God's direction in our lives but didn't see this coming. Long story short, we're looking to rent someplace closer to home for the first couple months of the year until we figure out exactly what we're supposed to do. I am not sure if that is something you guys would even consider, but I thought I would ask."

Within a few minutes, Nathan received a reply...

"You absolutely could! No need to pay rent. There are a couple of funny twists to this here as well. I have been thinking about you guys and can explain easier over the phone."

We were astounded at the response! Nathan quickly gave him a call to find out what the "twist" was. He was told,

"My wife and I read Leanne's book about a month ago and ever since then, we have felt prompted by God to do something special for your family. We have been praying, "Lord, show us how we can be a blessing to the Waterworth family." We even called and asked your dad if he had any suggestions. Maybe a donation to their favorite charity? And then, we received your text message. My wife and I just laughed! We KNEW immediately that this was God's answer!"

The amazing thing is that ALL of this transpired in a matter of a few hours! We were floored. But the comforting thing is that God wasn’t surprised one bit. That morning, before any of this happened, I read in my "Jesus Calling" devotional book, these words:

"My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for my Spirit to take full possession... Your sense of security must not rest in your possessions or in things going your way. I am training you to depend on me alone..." 


Nathan and I are confident that The Lord's hand is in all of this. We will begin putting our belongings into storage and moving to the home on Cedar Lake, sometime in January. And from there, we feel confident that the rest will fall into place. Nathan is even considering a career change. For now, we will keep the kids in the same schools. I plan to drive them and then pick up Betsy on the way. It won't be easy, but we know that God will be with us.



"For in him we live and move and have our being." -Acts 18:28

Matthew 6:1-21

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."