The Golden Rule, Gummy Style

Sometimes I feel like a complete failure as a parent when I see how my kids treat each other. They can be so mean! 
"Treat people the way you want to be treated!" I implore. But I speak to blank stares. They don't care! 

One day, after a frustrating ride home from school, as I listened to them bicker, annoy, and even hit each other, I pulled the van over. I gave them a mom-talk - again. To which I received blank stares - again. When we got home I sent them to their rooms with no electronics. A punishment I usually fell back on when I didn't know what else to do.

As I prepared dinner, I prayed, asking God for wisdom. "Lord, how can I reach them?" Then, an idea came to me... Gummy worms! I dropped everything and drove to the closest store and loaded up on candy. "Four bags should do it." I dumped the gummy goodness into a bowl and when supper was ready, I called the kids to the table. Their eyes were wide when they saw what I was apparently going to serve at our evening meal. I passed the bowl of candy around and calmly asked them each to take a scoop for the sibling on their right. My youngest, still angry at his brother from earlier scooped only a few pieces. Older brother didn't really feel like giving his sister a big scoop so she received a small portion too. It continued this way around the table. Once the sumptuous candy was dished out, I explained to my drooling bunch, "The candy you dished out for your sibling is actually for YOU." Their mouths opened wide in shock. The young one wisely caught on.

Golden Rule

"If I would have known that, I would have taken the entire bowl!" Exactly! As I explained the Golden Rule, for the umpteenth time, they finally understood.

To my complete amazement, after dinner, (friend chicken and potatoes accompanied the worms), the oldest ended up WILLINGLY, without being told, washing everyone's dishes. Gummy worms saved the day! We'll see what happens tomorrow... 

Matthew 7:12 (NIV)

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.