Fight like a Super Hero!


As the summer of 2013 progressed, I took to my bike for some stress relief and to clear my head.  It felt good to get fresh air and pour my frustration and sadness into something physical.  I was also conducting research on CF and in my finds I learned of a Cycle for Life Fundraiser which benefitted the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  This gave me an awesome opportunity to actually DO something to help my son.  So I started biking regularly and talking to our family and friends about how they could get involved too. 

The idea took off quickly because I think many people feel helpless when they see a family going through a hard time and they want to DO something!  So we formed a team of about 15 cyclists who were committed to raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  The donations poured in.  It was amazing, encouraging and humbling. Our team name, The CF Super Heroes was inspired by Anders.  During one of his many all-day doctor appointments, he wore a Superman costume, literally the entire day- cape and all. I loved and fed off of his determination. During a visit to the lab, he even rolled up his sleeve for the technician and said in a tough-guy voice, “Go ahead and stab me!”  It gave the staff and other patients at the hospital a reason to smile when they witnessed this mini-superhero strutting through the halls.  And he was!

Along with the bike ride event, I had another idea to put on a carnival fundraiser in our neighborhood.  We lived in a cul-de-sac and I had always thought it would be fun to have games stationed around the circle, with food, prizes and maybe even a pony. Now we had a purpose behind it all- to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in hopes of a cure! So that was in the works too.  Some people cautioned that it was too soon for me to be getting so involved like this.  But I knew myself- and this is what I needed to do. It was a way for me to offer something tangible in an effort to fight my son’s disease, and it also helped combat my depression.  Because if I sat and did nothing, my mind would travel to dark and scary places.  After all, planning a neighborhood carnival was WAY more fun than thinking about my son’s progressive, life threatening illness.

Galations 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."