It Is Well With my Soul


In August, another positive distraction came to us. We were invited to go on an incredible vacation with our neighbors!  We surprised the kids by telling them it was simply a camping trip in Northern Minnesota.  But what they didn’t know is that it was actually a houseboat trip on one of the state’s best fishing lakes!  It was a dream vacation for our family who loves to fish, and it was a wonderful escape from our current nightmare at home. 

Our houseboat was located in a very remote area near the Canadian border so my cell phone service was basically non- existent.  But I kept it on and with me because I was using it primarily as a camera.  I was also waiting for an important phone call from the University of Minnesota hospital genetic's office.  We were expecting results from tests on Carson and Ella to find out if they too had Cystic Fibrosis in their genes, just like their younger brother Anders.

For 5 days, my phone hadn’t made a single sound, and it was lovely! No texts, no emails, no phone calls. So I was totally shocked one day to hear it suddenly ringing.  At the time, our houseboat was beached in a beautiful, quiet bay.  Other than our own group, we had seen no one for days.   Then suddenly, reality struck and my phone was ringing. Ella grabbed it first and said, “Mom, hurry it’s the doctor!”  I grabbed the phone from her and took it to the very top of the houseboat, hoping for the best signal possible.  Miraculously, I heard a clear voice and sure enough, it was the genetics office nurse. And in a very matter of fact voice I was told that my daughter did not have the genetic make-up for Cystic Fibrosis.  She wasn’t even a carrier. “Wow, that’s such a relief!” I said with a sigh. “However," the nurse continued, "your son Carson has the exact same CF mutations as Anders.  So we’d like to have him seen at CF Clinic for evaluation as soon as possible.  When can you come in?”

Again, our world was rocked.  “What?  How can this be?  Now Carson has it too?”  But as I looked up from my horrible phone conversation I saw my oldest boy in his happiest place on earth-  alone in a kayak with his fishing pole, out on one of Minnesota’s best fishing lakes.


He didn’t know about any of this.  At that moment, his only concern was what kind of fish he was going to catch.  This scene gave me peace and comfort and after I hung up the phone I continued watching my son from the top of the houseboat.  The hymn, “It is Well With my Soul” came to mind and I sang it quietly as I stood there.

Years previous, I was given a piece of wisdom while attending a women’s conference which was this: “Even if it is not well with your circumstances, it can still be well with your soul”.  I learned that this wellness comes from having peace with God and knowing that He can take any difficult situation and use it for good. Thankfully, that nugget of truth came to me just when I needed it.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.