I Choose Life

The arguments regarding abortion, whether for or against, can be incredibly emotional. And during election season, things become especially intense. For me, I am able to form my opinions based on very personal experiences.

You see, I am the product of a teen pregnancy. My parents were still in high school when I was conceived; obviously very unplanned. News of my expected arrival did not bring about the typical joyful or excited response from family and friends. Miraculously, my mom never even considered getting an abortion in spite of the pressure she received from the Planned Parenthood clinic where she was given her free pregnancy test. She was just 17 when I was born on February 5, 1977. And the struggles that all new moms face were intensified as she experienced motherhood, still just a child herself.

                        My mom and me at 3 months.

                        My mom and me at 3 months.

Thankfully she recognized that the baby girl inside of her had rights and future choices of her own to make. No, my life wasn’t ideal. WIC, other government programs, and extended family all helped to carry us through. I am so thankful my mom let me continue to live because I love my life. (My husband is thankful too!)

Avery was born weighing just over 2 pounds.

Avery was born weighing just over 2 pounds.

Another experience that has shaped my reasoning is my nephew Avery. He was born at 27.5 weeks weighing only 2 pounds, 2 ounces. Once he was born, desperate efforts were made to keep him alive outside of the womb. His life was precious and wanted by his family! After being in the hospital for 3 months, he was finally allowed to go home with his parents and older brother. Today, he is a happy, thriving boy of 7 years and he has two younger siblings. Praise God he experiences no residual effects of his premature birth. What saddens me most is that babies are aborted at his stage of birth, considered to be worthless tissue.

Avery weighed a little over 2 pounds at birth
Avery, at the top with his siblings Jasper, Josie, and Lane

Avery, at the top with his siblings Jasper, Josie, and Lane

And finally, the most impactful experience shaping my pro-life decision was when I became a mother. For me, I made a connection to motherhood when I saw my tiny baby for the first time on an ultra sound screen at just 8 weeks. He had a heart beat and I was amazed at the life inside of me. And now that I see that same boy at age 14, with his many talents, unique personality and gorgeous blue eyes; I believe that God has intent and purpose for each and every human he creates, using their imperfections to reveal his power and strength. There is value and beauty in all people and it is our job to protect them both in and outside of the womb.

My "baby" boy.

My "baby" boy.

Psalm 139:13-14 NIV

"For you created my inmost being;

    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

    your works are wonderful,

    I know that full well."