My Grandma's Hands


I tend to look at and sometimes even study people's hands.  Not sure why, but I think you can tell a lot about a person by their hands.  Years ago, as my Grandma's birthday approached, I wanted to write something for her that summed up the kind of person that she was: a caretaker, seamstress, cook, hard-worker, selfless and a generous giver.  And her hands kept coming to mind. She did so much with her hands.  That's where this poem was born out of.


My Grandma’s hands are everywhere,

Touching people all around.

It’s impossible to count them all.

Her work seems to abound.

My Grandma’s hands have healed.

She nursed for 30 years.

Giving aid and comfort,

And easing people’s fears.

My Grandma’s hands made clothing

For all of us to wear.

Mittens, quilts and dresses

Each piece made with tender care.

My Grandma’s hands prepared food:

Delicious dinners, a lovely cake.

Anytime you stopped on by,

A feast for you she’d make.

My Grandma’s hands got dirty

As she made her garden grow.

Vegetables, berries, flowers.

All blooming in a row.

My Grandma’s hands were clean

As she was washing all the time.

Laundry, dishes and so much more

Even yours and mine!

My Grandma’s hands made music.

She played her favorite songs.

Upon her little piano

She may even sing along.

My Grandma’s hands held treasures

Of gold and diamonds too.

They reminded her of the love she shared

With her husband she remained true.

My Grandma’s hands were strong

They carried quite a load.

From children grand and great-

Devotion to them she showed.

My Grandma’s hands were tireless

And dedicated to her job.

Of taking care of people.

She’s our angel sent by God.