Angie Chooses Joy


Welcome to McDonald’s, may I take your order?

“Yes, I’d like 168 Shamrock Shakes to go please.”

Those are the words from a person who is choosing to LIVE with cancer JOYFULLY.

Today, I got to be an accomplice for my friend Angie’s very special and unique wish as she LIVES LIFE to the fullest in spite of her difficult circumstances. It was her desire to personally thank the classmates of her two sons Cole and Cody as they have prayed and supported their family during her cancer journey. To do that, she decided to share with each and every 6th and 8th grade student in the entire St. Croix Falls Middle School, her favorite treat: a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake.

We called it: Operation Shamrock



On March 2nd, 2016 we loaded up our two minivans with 5 large boxes filled with the cherry-topped, mint flavored desserts along with a gigantic bouquet of festive green and white helium balloons, and descended upon the unsuspecting middle school.

The student’s faces were priceless as Angie presented each one with a smile and a shake. She spoke gratitude and love to them and the kids naturally reciprocated. Hugs, joy and even a few tears abounded in the hallways of the school.

I believe it is no mistake that Angie’s middle name is JOY. She chooses to LIVE each day with joy and it spreads wherever she goes.

The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."