He's into Details


An astonishing thing happened to me today- equivalent to finding a needle in a hay stack. On Sunday afternoon I made the miserable discovery that the diamond had gone missing from my wedding ring.  My sharp gasp sent Nathan stampeding from the other room to see what the matter was. When I told him, deep disappointment set in for us both. I am one who subconsciously does a gem check on my ring probably a 50 times a day. So when I discovered it missing, I knew it couldn’t have been gone long. But we had already been to Sunday School and Church Services and then back home. There was no telling all of the places my diamond could have been and we felt hopeless in trying to find it.

Sadly, I took off the ring that Nathan had proudly saved for as a young man some 20 years ago. He sold a pair of downhill skis, his stereo, a 20 gauge shot gun, and worked long hours at his lawn mowing business to pay for that ring. And I’ll never forget when he went down on one knee to propose. Which made it all the more painful, knowing my diamond was gone.  We didn’t have insurance on it and couldn’t afford to get it replaced anytime soon.  I put it in my jewelry box for safe keeping.

Fast forward to this afternoon as I was doing the normal after-school kid pick up.  While driving through our neighborhood, something caught my eye on the floor of the passenger side.  Confession, I hadn’t vacuumed out my van in a while but for some reason, I happened to notice a sparkle among the sand, and crumbs on the vehicle rug.  I slowed my van to a stop and put it in park.  Reaching over, I picked up the tiny bit of sparkle but I knew what it was even before I had it in my hand:  My diamond!

I found it!
I found it!

Even on a cloudy, rainy afternoon, the daylight was able to reflect and shine through, giving off pretty colors of red, yellow and blue. “Thank you Lord!” I said under my breath.

Today, with the finding of this tiny gem I feel cared for.  Not only because of the man who saved up and gave it to me years ago.  But because God thought it important enough that I should have it back after losing it.  No, I don’t place a lot of value in material possessions.  And truthfully, I hadn’t even been praying for God to help me find my diamond.  What I had been praying for this week was that He would provide for our family's financial needs. And by finding that diamond, it reminded me that God can handle both the little things and the big things in life. He cares about it all.

Luke 2:17 says, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

If God takes the time to keep up with how many hairs we have, or  where we misplaced the diamond in our wedding ring, we can be certain He'll take care of the big things too. He's definitely a God of detail!