Don't Ever Lose your Cool!

Through recent experience, I have learned that at some point during puberty, tweens and teens develop a second set of lenses over their eye balls which causes them to see their parents through a new and tainted view. Somehow, as all three of my children have developed through the ages of 11-13, I have morphed in their sight. I went from a wise, super hero of a mom whom they once idolized, (my oldest even wanted to marry me), to now a completely annoying, totally clueless person. In their minds, I understand NOTHING and my clothing choices are weird too. (Note: This lens could also cause incessant eye rolling.)


To my fellow parents of teens: don’t try to fight this because their opinions will not change no matter what you say, do or wear. However, as encouragement I offer this advice: Don’t ever lose your cool!


Moms, if your kids accuse you of wearing “Mom-Jeans”, don’t waste your breath getting all defensive as you try to convince them otherwise. Instead, I say WORK those elastic high-waist, flare cut jeans! Iron in a pleat or two if you have time. And while you're at it, go all the way by tucking in a cute, mock turtleneck sweatshirt with kittens on it as an added bonus. Flaunt it as you walk into their school and wave enthusiastically so they take notice.

Dads, if you’re prone to wearing socks with your sandals then I say, pull them up a little higher!


Demonstrate to your kids how to get an unbeatable farmer tan. After all, this is pay back for the instances your kids embarrassed you during their preschool years. (My son knocking over the backdrop in the Pro-Ex portrait studio is still a vivid and painful memory for me.)


Parents, the next time your teen mocks and ridicules while you strut your stuff, dancing all awesome-like in the kitchen, KEEP dancing and calmly reply, “ Hey, remember when you pushed down the entire front row of classmates during your preschool Christmas program because Kelly wouldn’t give you her jingle bell?” And then bust out your very best Gangnam' style moves, finishing off with a whip and nae nae. 


If your teen is mortified while you listen to your 90’s jam in the mini-van, simply turn the volume up as you belt out Whitney Houston's Body Guard Soundtrack. Remind your daughter of the time she had a giant meltdown at Wal-Mart, complete with kicking and screaming because you refused to buy her a Dora the Explorer helium balloon. (WHY do they have to display those near the check-out?) Rolling down the vehicle windows as you sing can enhance this experience with added entertainment.


Last, always keep in mind that the rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed, and won’t be until he or she is 25 years old. Sadly, they’ll never know just how cool you are until then. Of course, there is the hope that one day they too will become the parent of their own teenager. And on that day, you can enjoy a kindred relationship as you dance and sing with your son or daughter in your matching Christmas sweaters.