Give Thanks IN All Things


Before dinner in our household, its habit that we first go around the table, each one of us thanking God for something.  Common prayers are, “Thank you Lord that I had a good day at school,” or “Thank you for this food,” (the obvious) and, “Thank you for my family.” Lately, as I’d been listening to my kids pray, I realized that they only seemed grateful when good things happened in their life- a natural response. And yet in the Bible we’re told in I Thessalonians 5:18 to “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” ( Note: it says to give thanks IN all things- not FOR all things.)

I’ve been learning a lot about being thankful over the last two years. And God has shown me that gratitude doesn’t always equal the circumstances in our life and there is a way to be thankful even IN the darkest of times.

Summer of 2013, I was struck simultaneously with 3 different tick borne diseases that landed me in the hospital for a week. A verse that spoke to me was 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." When you feel like you may be on your death bed, the once important things in life like: racing to get kids to their activities, projects at work, and even trying to get ahead financially, no longer seem crucial. Outwardly I felt weak and wasted, but inwardly, I knew I had all I needed in Christ and if I died, His grace would take me to heaven. This reassured me with absolute peace and thankfulness.


The very day I was released from the hospital,  I learned that our youngest son Anders most likely had a life threatening disease, Cystic Fibrosis.  And from there things spiraled to where our oldest son was also diagnosed with the same incurable illness.

But Nathan and I were eventually able to view it as a blessing. God was teaching us to appreciate every moment with our family. And my belief that He had created us all with intent and purpose grew stronger as I saw my boys’ story being used as a powerful tool to encourage and inspire others. We could be thankful in this.

A few months later, our family was given a vacation at a dude ranch in Montana. While there, Anders and I, along with 6 other passengers were involved in a van crash where our driver suddenly died at the wheel, leaving our vehicle to swerve and tumble down a ravine and land upside down in a creek. We were in a desolate area and everyone was seriously injured except for Anders and I. With no relief in sight, I had to run a mile barefoot, in search of help. I was able to find a home and call 911. When I returned to the scene and there was nothing left to do but comfort the victims as we waited (a LONG time) for medical personnel to arrive, we huddled along a muddy bank. The overturned van was before us sitting in the creek and the deceased driver was still visibly trapped and submerged under water.  The passengers were hurting, bloody and suffering in their injuries and all we could do was sit there and wait.  But as I stood there with my arms around them, oddly, an incredible sense of gratitude washed over me.  It may have seemed contradictory to experience such an emotion but I told the group of survivors,

"Guys, I know this might seem strange to you but I am feeling the need to pray and thank God that He is with us and that help is on the way."  There were no objections and so in the middle of that traumatic and chaotic scene, I prayed aloud,

"Lord, you know that we are really scared and hurting right now.  But I feel comforted and grateful that you have never left our side- you have been with us every second. We know that things could have been so much worse. Thank you that help is on the way and we will soon be rescued. Amen."

It was probably one of the most incredible moments in my entire life. I can't explain the intense feeling of gratefulness that came over me but I imagine that it may have been slightly similar to what Paul and Silas experienced when they were in prison chains, singing praises to God.

Being thankful doesn’t have to equal our success at work, the cars we drive or how well our kids are doing in school. Contrary to what our world says, I have learned the most about being thankful through the very darkest times in my life. Because there God has showed me what is truly important: His grace, His presence and His promises.

"Even if it is not well with your circumstances, it can still be well with your soul."- Jennifer Rothschild