I Think Jesus Would Show Up.


There is a lot of exchange and action lately about whose lives matter these days.  Is it black lives, police lives, homosexuals, lions, the unborn?  Locally we have one of the most popular marathons in the Midwest coming up and the group Black Lives Matter plans to disrupt it with a protest by blocking the finish line.  They intend to prevent runners from completing their 26.2 miles of the Twin Cities Marathon at about the 25 mile mark and “become the finish line” blocking the path of participants from the actual end of the race. Today I was pondering what Jesus would do in all of this.  And it may come as a shock to you but honestly I think he would attend the upcoming protest.

As I read my Bible, and come to know my Savior, I learn that He did things all the time that astonished people.  And I truly think He would show up.  I believe Jesus would agree with those people and tell them, “Yes, you absolutely DO matter- especially to Me and the Father.”  I think He would put His arm around them, spend time and love them like a brother or sister.  Then, I believe He’d take them all out to lunch and have a good heart to heart. And He would lovingly say,

“Dear brothers and sisters.  I want you to know that you were uniquely created with purpose and I love you. Your lives matter so much. I understand you have been hurt, treated unfairly, been lied to, called names, felt excluded, and stolen from. I know that life has been hard and people are cruel and violent. I’ve seen it and am grieved by it.

I ask you to stop and think for a moment. If there is anyone here who has never been guilty of any of these things themselves, even to the smallest degree, to raise your banner high…

I want you to know that this is why I went to the cross- To take away the sins of the world. Anyone who asks forgiveness shall receive it. I know your pain, betrayal and anger. I love you, just as I love them. Now go in peace." 

Leviticus 19:18 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.'

Romans 12:17-18 “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”